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Swarm Removal

If you are on this page, you may have encountered a swarm. Do not panic! We can help.

If you can safely take a picture, please email (text) it to me, along with your location (city), and                  anything else you think relevant. If your email, lease include your phone number.


If you encounter a honeybee swarm, the first thing to do is to stay calm and avoid disturbing them. Swarming bees are usually not aggressive and are just looking for a new place to establish a hive. However, if you agitate or provoke them, they may become defensive and sting.


Here are some steps to take if you encounter a honeybee swarm:

  • Keep your distance: Stand back and observe the bees from a safe distance. Do not approach the swarm or attempt to disturb them.

  • Contact me: Find a local beekeeper who is experienced in capturing swarms. They can safely remove the swarm and relocate the bees to a more appropriate location.

  • Avoid using pesticides: Do not attempt to use pesticides or other chemicals to get rid of the bees. Not only can these harm the bees, but they may also be dangerous to people and other animals in the area.

  • Wait it out: Swarms usually move on within a few hours or days. If the bees are not causing any harm, you can simply wait for them to leave.

  • Remember that honeybees are important pollinators and play a critical role in our ecosystem. If possible, it's always best to avoid harming them and instead seek out the help of a professional beekeeper.

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