Wax Moths in a Beehive
As the season changes so do the pests that beekeepers have to do battle with. Here is an example of wax moths. The moths lay eggs in the...
Wax Moths in a Beehive
First Day of Relocated Hive
The Queen was found and saved!
Moving day at the world head quarters
Follow up to robbing and a surprise!
Always wear ALL of your protective gear while working Bees
Mark Geslock speaks at the Chancellor Ruritan Club September 2019
I HAD a hornet problem
Bee Robbing in Virginia 2019
Consolidate for the winter.
Robbing update
Using Beeswax to repair leaking bee feeder
Honey Bee Robbing
Who stole my honey?
BetterComb Deep Comb
Bees Bearding
Bees need water too!
The start of honey!
Honey Label
Bear fence to protect honey bees is completed